Reeling From A High Property Tax Assessment? We Can Help You Appeal It.
In recent years, several counties in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have been forced to review their property tax assessment system after property owners in the area filed lawsuits to challenge them. While this is potentially good news if you were surprised by a jump in your assessment, you may be wondering how to proceed if you have scheduled an appeal.
At Dornish Law Offices, PC, our lawyers have more than 200 years of combined experience in real estate and business law. They can guide you through your appeal process, as well as discover other options available to respond to staggering increases in your property tax.
Getting The Most From Your Property Tax Assessment Appeal
The numbers used to produce a property tax assessment are (a) the county’s assessed value of your property, (b) the Common Level Ratio (CLR), which is an average of property sales values in the county used to update assessed values yearly and (c) the millage rate (“mills”), which is the rate per $1,000 of home value that the county uses to determine the actual tax on your property.
There can be multiple reasons for a property tax assessment increase:
- You may live in an area where property types are not uniform and assessed values may be harder to determine
- The real estate market may have fluctuated over the course of the year, influencing the fair market value of your home and the homes around you
- The county willfully or accidentally applied the CLR incorrectly, resulting in an assessment that does not reflect the current value of your home or the tax you owe
- The county has inaccurate information about your property (number of bathrooms or bedrooms, or the existence of outbuildings) that inflated the assessed value
Our attorneys at Dornish Law Offices, PC, can assist you with building a strong case for lowering your property tax assessment.
Discuss Your Situation With An Experienced Real Estate Attorney
No one’s budget should suffer due to a jump in their property tax assessment. Request an appointment with an attorney from Dornish Law Offices, PC, based in Wexford and serving the Pittsburgh metro area. Call our offices at (412) 765-2726 or send us a message through our online contact form.