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Home 9 Landlord-Tenant 9 Landlord-tenant disputes can be resolved amicably

Landlord-tenant disputes can be resolved amicably

by | Feb 2, 2022 | Landlord-Tenant

Landlord disputes with tenants are almost unavoidable. Misunderstandings may arise from trivial things such as cleaning or garden maintenance to more serious matters surrounding rent or termination of the lease. Either way, it is important to resolve any issues efficiently and effectively.

Most importantly, disputes do not have to involve the courts. Litigation has its drawbacks, which is why you should try other dispute resolution mechanisms such as mediation.

Find a mutually agreeable solution

Mediation involves a neutral third party arranging a voluntary and informal meeting to iron out the differences between you and the tenant. Afterward, the mediator will attempt to resolve the dispute after hearing both sides of the story. While they may not make decisions on behalf of anyone, the mediator will try and facilitate negotiations to find an amicable solution.

With mediation, you can find common ground with your tenant without the formalities of a court process. That way, both parties to the dispute can settle their differences and remain on good terms.

The benefits of mediation

Mediation has several advantages over litigation. For starters, it is a cheaper option compared to litigation. Should you choose to go to court, be prepared to deal with administrative costs and other legal fees, which can amount to a tidy sum. It can also be time-consuming since the court may have a backlog of cases.

Lastly, mediation may preserve business relations, unlike litigation, since parties get to resolve their disputes based on a mutual agreement.

Is mediation right for you?

It depends on the circumstances of your dispute. For example, are you on talking terms with your tenant? Are they willing to cooperate? All these aspects of your misunderstanding can have a bearing on how you will resolve the pending issues. Nevertheless, it is advisable to be prepared for any eventualities, including a court date.



