Before we review the changes in the First-time Homebuyer Credit for 2010, we need to summarize the prior law. In August, we wrote an article explaining the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009” which expanded the previously created first-time...
Knowledgeable and efficient closing services.
PROA Board Meeting December 2009
The Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Residential Owners’ Association met December 3, in Camp Hill, outside of Harrisburg. The Officers, Grant Nelson, President, Rita Dallago, Executive Director, Jean Yevick, Vice President, John Baldwin, Treasurer, and...
PROA Needs Your Help For its Legal Defense Fund to Fight for Real Estate Investors Statewide
Why does it matter to a landlord in Pittsburgh or Philadelphia what a small town council does in the middle of the state? Why should an investor in Erie worry about the result of a lawsuit in Common Pleas Court in Lackawanna County? The answer to these...
PROA Board Meeting June 2009
The Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Residential Owners’ Association held its quarterly meeting in Harrisburg on June 4th. I attended as ACRE’s representative, and met with other Directors representing over twenty different real estate investors’...
ACRE Goes to Court On First Rental Registration Ordinance and Prepares to Fight More
Last week, ACRE joined the fight with the Apartment Association of Metropolitan Pittsburgh, The Landlord Services Bureau, The Realtors’ Association of Metropolitan Pittsburgh, our state association, The Pennsylvania Residential Owners’ Association, and our...
ACRE Courses Qualify for National Professional Housing Provider Program
The National Real Estate Investors’ Association (National REIA) has started a nationwide education-based certification program designed to recognize the high level of knowledge and professionalism attained by those real estate investors who attend the programs...