For investors and prospective investors in Pittsburgh, the financial effects of the global pandemic can present both concern and opportunity. It is wise to be attentive and think about risks. A key aspect of investing, regardless of the environment, is to be fully...
Knowledgeable and efficient closing services.
Helping Tenants, Employees and Others to Get Money for Being Laid Off, and Managing Your Business Cash Flow
As I write this article, my office is closed to employees and clients. Our lawyers are fully set up to and are working from home, but closings are not able to close, and we are not able to go to court or do many of the things lawyers do to get ready for court, like...
Operating a Real Estate Related Business in PA Under Governor Wolf’s Order
All non-essential businesses in Pennsylvania were ordered to close their physical locations by 8:00p.m. on Thursday, March 19th. Questions immediately arose as to what constitutes an essential business. The list of businesses was set up using strange names for some...
Are You Tired of Dealing With False Service Animal and Emotional Support Animal Claims? Pennsylvania Fights Back Passing Assistance and Service Animal Integrity Act
Over a decade ago, I experienced a protracted fight between my client landlord who had a “no pet” building, and a long time tenant who had and wanted pets. The tenant paid to certify a dog as an “assistance” animal, and had the dog wear a vest declaring this...
The Facts on When an LLC or Corporation Needs A Lawyer In PA Courts
Articles, e-mails and rumors have been swirling lately over changes in PA law on when an LLC or a corporation needs to hire a lawyer to go to court. Much of that information is incomplete, or worse. In this short article, I hope to clearly explain what has and...
Is Pennsylvania Ready in 2018 to End (Most) Property Tax For Funding Public Schools?
Is Pennsylvania Ready in 2018 to End (Most) Property Tax For Funding Public Schools? For over four years, I have been following efforts to change the way Pennsylvania funds public education. SB 76 of 2013 has become SB 76 0f 2017. While SB 76 was referred to...
Is Pennsylvania Ready to End (Most) Property Tax for Funding Public Schools?
At the September PROA Board meeting, the hot topic of conversation was House Bill 76, a bill sponsored by over 60 state representatives, which if it became law would replace the bulk of Pennsylvania property taxes for support of schools with sales and income...
Arbitration of Disputes under PA Commercial Agreements of Sale
Unlike the mediation process under the PA Association of Realtors’ ASR residential agreement of sale discussed in my last article, the Realtors’ Association’s ASC commercial agreement of sale form has a provision for mandatory, binding arbitration of disputes...
Alternative Resolution of Pennsylvania Real Estate Agreement of Sale Disputes: Part One- Residential Agreement Mediation
Sooner or later most real estate investors face a real estate agreement of sale dispute. It is less likely for consumers but always a possibility. There are required non-court processes in both the PA Association of Realtors’ residential agreement of sale form...
Recent Developments in PA Rental Registration and Inspection Cases
The last few months have seen several important developments in rental registration litigation in Pennsylvania. The most recent development was a series of Commonwealth Court decisions on May 17th, which will have a significant impact on the pending rental...